All students will complete a Resurrection Computer In-Service and they must sign a computer access form to activate their login.

APS017 – Computer Use Form​

Logging on to the Network:


The number is on your student card. The last five numbers of your student number plus the first three letters of your last name.

Example: 12345ABC



Your birthday MMDDYYYY

Example: 01141985 (is January 14, 1985)

After initially logging on, it is important to change your password from your birth date to something unique that you will REMEMBER.



Each student is allocated 50 printouts per semester.  Additional printouts can be purchased at the Library for $1.00 for 25 sheets.  These purchases can be made before school, during lunch, or after school throughout the week.

Acceptable Use of Computer Technology, Internet, Facebook, Twitter…

The WCDSB has an Acceptable Use of Computer Technology and an Internet Policy that requires students and staff to abide by the stated Terms and Conditions of the policy.  Anyone who violates the policy will be considered to have committed a serious misconduct that may result in loss of the right to access the Board’s Wide Area Network (WAN) and/or other discipline consistent with the Board’s Safe and Secure  Schools document, the Education Act, the Freedom of Information Act, Family Life policies or other appropriate policies and laws.

The use of the Board’s computers, networks, and Internet access is for educational purposes only and the Board cannot be held responsible for material available via the WAN and Internet.  This policy is available in full at each school, the Board Office, and on the Board’s Web Site at”



  1. It is NOT acceptable for users to:
  2. a) give out their login/password
  3. b) share their account
  4. c) send messages with an inappropriate tone or content
  5. d) use their account to harass someone or send nuisance messages
  6. e) attempt unauthorized access to any resource or use network privileges for an illegal or unethical activity
  7. f) store or run executable files (.exe)
  8. g) vandalize hardware, software, equipment
  1. Activities that are wasteful of network resources or that degrade or disrupt network performance are not allowed.  This includes using computers for non-school work.
  2. Offensive material is not allowed.
  3. Downloading of files from the Internet is not permitted.
  4. Revealing a user’s personal address or phone number is not allowed.
  5. Playing games is not allowed.
  6. Users should be aware of their privilege in accessing the Internet and respect the equipment, both hardware and software, which make this privilege possible.
  7. Students who violate the Resurrection Computer Network in any way will be removed from the network following the Consequences Guidelines of:
  • First violation – one week
  • Second violation – two weeks
  • Third violation – three weeks + administrative interview – Removal for the Semester
  • Students responsible for major infractions will be referred directly to their administrator, and additional consequences may apply.
  • Computer infraction forms are managed by the main office. In order for a student’s login to be reactivated, it is the student’s responsibility to pick up and return the computer infraction sheet.