

Deanna Wehrle (

students with surnames name beginning with: A-B



Kevin Hinsperger (

students with surnames name beginning with: C-I + International students



Phil Lehmann (

students with surnames name beginning with: J-P



Kristy McDonnell (

students with surnames name beginning with: Q-Z + students in the Active/Community Living pathway


Welcome to Resurrection Catholic Secondary School, a welcoming home to our diverse and growing population of students.


At Resurrection our mission statement is LEARNING to meet the challenges of the future, GROWING in our Catholic faith and BUILDING a better community. Seeking to make the difference in our lives every day. We pride ourselves on being kind and gracious and this is demonstrated daily and in support of our community through many social justice initiatives.


Our priority is the success, wellbeing, and safety of the students at Resurrection. We celebrate all people, we value the successes of each person, and we work every day to create a place for all. The development of the whole person is embedded in our Catholic Graduate Expectations which are unique to our school board and our staff is committed to supporting the achievement of these expectations for all students during their time at school.


Resurrection offers educational programs that meet the pathway needs of all our students including Apprenticeship, College, Community, University, Workforce. Outside the classroom, we believe it is important to get involved and hope that each of our students will seek out the incredible options available through school intramurals and inter-school athletics, performing and visual arts, student activities council, athletic council, and the extensive clubs that are available.


Our community of staff, students, and parents created our school equity statement which embodies the expectations we hold for ourselves and our commitment to anti-racist work where we continue to learn and grow. Resurrection’s equity statement is:


     We Rise to:

                          embrace and celebrate all races, cultures and differences

                          acknowledge and respect the lived experiences that makes each of us who we are

                          learn and grow together in our diverse and inclusive community


 We ask our community to consider the following throughout the school year as we put our equity statement into action:


ACT with Patience with yourselves and others, reach out to staff members to answer your questions and for supports to ensure that you have a successful year.

ACT with Kindness, you never know when your words or actions can lift the spirit of another.

ACT with Integrity, remembering the importance of Equity, choosing to do the right thing, and seeing the opportunity each day to make our school and the world a better place.

ACT as a leader by taking responsibility for keeping yourself, your family, and your community healthy.



We know our students and staff do their very best to support each other, working together to ensure a culture of inclusivity and belonging and to achieve success. We are proud of our community!


You are encouraged to always share your voice and celebrating alongside our staff and students. Please do not hesitate to reach out to the school with any concerns, questions or to seek further clarification.


We look forward to a wonderful school year! Go Phoenix!

Deanna Wehrle

Principal, Resurrection Catholic Secondary School