Monthly Archives: September 2022

Volunteer Opportunities

September 30, 2022 Warehousing Volunteer [Ages 16+] The Salvation Army needs your support to help receive, sort, organize, and stock shopping areas for clients while adhering to strict COVID19 rules. You will volunteer at the Christmas Toy Centre. *This role involves lifting of about 20lbs. For more information contact Meagan   519-745-4215 Halloween Volunteer [Ages 15+] Are

2024-01-25T09:09:06-05:00September 30th, 2022|NewsWire|

Emergency Communication – Transportation

Dear Resurrection Families, Due to a software malfunction, STSWR and our bus operators will not be able to post late notices on websites for transportation routes that are not running on schedule.  Further, late notices cannot be sent to parents via e-mail or text message as normal. We apologize for this late notice and the

2022-09-07T17:02:32-04:00September 7th, 2022|NewsWire|
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