Monthly Archives: January 2023

College Application Deadline

Apply to College on or before Wednesday, February 1st, 2023 in order to receive equal consideration for admission to programs starting in September 2023. Apply at

2023-01-30T10:19:30-05:00January 30th, 2023|NewsWire|

Youth Volunteer Opportunities – January 24 2023

January 24, 2022 Youth Board Member  [Ages 15+] Are you interested in getting Board experience? As a Youth Board Member you will represent a youth perspective for Lakeshore South residents on the community association. You will also inform and design new programs and supports for neighbourhood youth (13-17), and you will help plan neighbourhood events and

2023-01-24T14:56:53-05:00January 24th, 2023|NewsWire|

Gateway to the Trades Program

Gateway to the Trades is a free, part-time, virtually facilitated skilled trades exploration and employment-readiness program that will equip participants between the ages of 17 and up with the skills, connections, and resources to find meaningful employment in the skilled trades sector. Graduating or departing grade 12 or 12+ students might benefit from enrolling in this program.

2024-02-06T13:41:41-05:00January 16th, 2023|NewsWire|

University Applications

Reminder: Grade 12 University applications are due Thursday, January 12th 2023. Students require a PIN number to apply and can be picked up in guidance. Resurrection Guidance

2023-01-10T08:28:29-05:00January 10th, 2023|NewsWire|
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