Student transportation will be provided by yellow school buses. Student eligibility will be determined by the board. Please visit www.stswr.ca to see if you qualify.

Students who do not behave appropriately on the bus may have their bus privileges revoked.

We offer a service to students and staff who may find themselves in conflict with another person and wish assistance in reaching reconciliation.  If you find that you have been in conflict with another person and would like assistance in resolving the dispute, see a counsellor in the Guidance office.  Trained student mediators are ready to help you.

An elevator is provided for students who are not physically able to use the stairs.  Students who need to use the elevator on a temporary basis (e.g. broken ankle) should make the request in the Main Office.

Guidance services is an organized effort on the part of the total school community to meet the developmental needs of our students.  Guidance Counsellors, Teachers, Administration, Youth Care Workers, Chaplains and other school personnel work as a team in order to assist the students.
The aim of the guidance program is to provide students with opportunities to:

  • Expand their knowledge and understanding of self and develop an appreciation of their potential to contribute to society;
  • Develop an understanding of effective relationships;
  • Develop the knowledge and skills to make appropriate post- secondary decisions;
  • Explore potential careers in relation to themselves, educational alternatives and their desired lifestyles.

Personal Counselling
Guidance counsellors are available to assist students with personal concerns.  Depending on the severity of the concern, they may elicit the services of our Youth Care Worker, Social Worker or various community agencies.
Parents are invited to make an appointment if they wish to meet with their son/daughter’s Guidance Counsellor to discuss any concerns they may have.

The library has the crucial resources you will need to succeed in school:

  • Resources – we have a wide range of information resources including books, reference materials, educational videos and DVDs, access to online research databases, and more.
  • Research assistance – your librarian can help you find what you need for school projects, whether it’s in a book or on the Internet, and teach you how to research more effectively.
  • Fun stuff – check out our collection of magazines, novels, comic books, manga, books on CD, and more!
  • Study space – come in to study, work quietly on group projects, use the computers, or just relax and read.

Use the fly-off menus to navigate through categories such as Online Resources, Assignments, Research Skills, Careers and more!  See Ms. Martin for a list of passwords you will need to access the online databases.

Other things you should know:

  • The library is open every day from 7:45am – 3:15pm, unless otherwise posted.
  • Materials can be signed out of the library (limit 4 items per student) and must be returned by the date specified (books = 2 weeks; videos & DVDs, magazines, reference books = overnight).
  • The fine for overdue materials is ____ per day, per item.  Although we do send out overdue notices once a week, YOU are responsible to keep track of your due dates!  Unpaid fines and/or long overdue books will result in loss of your computer account!
  • If you require additional print credits or are having difficulties with your login, please see the librarian or library secretary.


Course Change Policy
|The Last Day for request for course changes is shown on your school calendar.

The following students will receive priority for Guidance appointments:

  • those who failed summer school courses or did not go (after saying they would)
  • those who are missing a subject
  • those who have on their timetables courses they did not select
  • those whose courses may not be in proper sequence.

Policy Regarding Dropped Subjects
Grade 9, 10 and 11 students are required to register for 8 credits each year.  Grade 12 students who have successfully completed 24 credits may register for 6 or 7 courses.  Students who are behind in credits must register for 8 credits.

Students who wish to drop a course should see their Guidance Counsellor to complete a drop subject form.  Students may drop a class until mid-term as defined by parent-teacher interviews.  Students must have the required number of credits accumulated for their grade level and must maintain the required number of classes for the current academic year.  For students under the age of 18, parent permission in writing is required.

Ontario Student Transcript and Full Disclosure
The Ontario Student Transcript (OST) provides a comprehensive record of the credits that a student has earned towards fulfilment of the requirements for the graduation diploma.  The transcript, which is part of the Ontario Student Record (OSR), will include the following information:
Withdrawal after a specified time (5 days following the first provincial report card) from any grade 11 or 12 course will be recorded on the OST (W indication).  The percentage grade reported will be the grade at the time of withdrawal.

Religious Education Courses:

Each student will take a Religion Course every year at Resurrection.   A student who is removed from a Religion course in a given semester must take it again in the following semester.  Students who successfully complete their religion courses will receive a Resurrection diploma in addition to the OSS.

Textbooks, library books, materials and team uniforms are the property of RCSS and are signed out for student use in courses where they are needed.  They are very costly and difficult to repair.  Their care becomes the responsibility of the student.  Students will be expected to pay the replacement cost of any lost or damaged book or uniform.  Unpaid accounts will result in loss of school privileges including extra-curricular activities, bus pass privileges, and other school services.

All students who transfer or retire from RCSS during the school year complete check-out procedures through their assigned Guidance Counsellors.  Check-out procedures include written confirmation of the transfer or retirement from a parent, the return of all materials belonging to the school (including bus passes), and the signature of an Administrator or designate.  Official transcripts are not issued to any retiring or transferring student who has not completed check-out procedures.