Latest OAPCE Newsletter and Conference information
Winter ParticiPACTION and Lenten Lift-Off
Based on feedback from the CSAC survey last fall in conjunction with Catholic Parent Involvement Committee (CPIC) collaboration, CPIC is pleased to present Winter PartciPACTION and Lenten Lift-off, a series of winter activities to support parental engagement funded by the Ministry of Ontario PRO Grants. The activities are broken down into four core themes identified as the most important in our school communities:
- Faith Formation
- Mental Health
- Health and Wellbeing
More information on activities within each theme will be shared shortly and we are excited to offer rich content from a variety of community partners while tying the themes to our core focus this year, “Gathered to Become“.
The first in our series of activities is specific to Faith Formation for the start of Lent. We are excited to present the series Formed which will be the foundation of activities for this theme which will feature Friday night faith flicks along with resources to support family discussion. Lenten booklets will also be available shortly and more information will follow soon. Please join us in sharing the message of these free resources and content to support our families over the winter months. Parents can sign up here.