Hi Resurrection Community,

The Resurrection Parent Advisory Council are planning to host a Careers Fair Evening event on Wednesday, April 19, 2023 from 7:00-9:00pm and are reaching out to the Resurrection community to see if anyone is interested in hosting a booth at this event to informally chat with fellow parents and their children about their career path and profession. We will ask you to provide us with a brief bio of yourself and answer about 6 questions as it pertains to your chosen career that we will post at each booth. We are interested in hosting a variety of careers to raise awareness of all the various career paths out there for students and their parents to consider. 

If you or someone you know would be interested in participating in this event, please complete and submit this registration form at your earliest convenience –  https://forms.gle/Udy3WTH7C8RMwZp3A

Thank you.

The Resurrection Parent Advisory Council & Careers Fair Event Committee